CSR Initiatives
Gadre Marine is committed to ensure the social well-being of the Communities at large through Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives (CSR).
The Company always endeavors to conduct business responsibly and in a socially accountable manner by complying with all applicable laws and upholding ethical business practices by respecting rights of all stakeholders. The Company shall allocate statutorily required net profits towards CSR activities.
The broad areas of the activities which may relate to –
- Promoting Education, Career Counselling
- Environmental sustainability and ecological balance
- Protection of national heritage and restoration of monuments
- Promotion of art & Science and Cultural activities
- Rural Development, Health and Sanitation
- Sports
- Reducing Inequalities and Helping needy people of all kinds.
This CSR policy document will be reviewed from time to time and any changes, if necessary, will be approved by the CSR Committee of the Board.